Bass Fishing Tips

When it comes to bass fishing, it seems as bass fishing tip is more common than any other type of fishing tips. It give the impression that every time you turn around, there is always someone who sees himself as an expert in bass fishing and has tips to give. In this article, I’m going to disclose some simple and valuable bass fishing tips that any fishermen can add to their stock to catch more bass. These effective bass fishing tips have been proven through many years of collective fishing experience.

Years of fishing experience is where these tips come from and all through the years, it has been confirmed to be incredibly valuable. It has been proven through many years of combined ‘real world’ fishing experience “. None of these fishing tips offers a “magic formula” for success, but when implemented, it will make you a successful bass fisherman.

largemouth bass

Free your hands of unnatural odors

Let’s begin with this important tip, to land more bass, you need to free your hands of any unnatural odors. Series of studies have confirmed that bass has a very sensitive sense of smell and can easily perceive unnatural odors. This means you should use things like smell neutralizing soap to wash your hands and avoid filling up your car with gas just before you hit the water. Any abnormal odors on your hands will transfer to your lure and bait which will affect your bites if the bass smells it.

Tie your fishing knots

Tying your fishing knots on the water can be very stressful, and losing a fish due to bad knot is the worse. To save valuable time and catch more fish, choose your flexible knot and practice it until you are perfect with it. This is not rocket science; you can get it within a few hours of practice. There are a lot of easy to follow knot tying video online to help you become a knot tying expert.

Use lures that mimic live baits

Another bass tip is to use bass fishing lures that are as practical as possible. Any fishing lure you use should look like the natural bait that bass normally eat. Nightcrawlers, jerk baits, soft plastics, and stick baits are fantastic if you are fishing for largemouth bass. If you are hunting for striped bass, use lures that look like minnows or live minnow’s animal or a witch’s spell. Smallmouth bass and Red-eye bass are attracted to small insects, so the use of bait similar to an insect is a sure fire. There are a lot of high-quality manufacturers out there that produce great bass fishing lures, therefore ensure you choose the right bass fishing lure that is as practical as possible.

Use wind to your favor

One of the most effective tips that will help you consistently land more bass is to employ the weather and the moon to your advantage, the moon and weather have an amazing effect on bass feeding behavior and the more you comprehend the phenomenon the better it is. Mastering this subject is not rocket science. In fact, the necessary information can be learned within half an hour of study. By using the weather and the moon for your advantage, you can always hit the water when the bass is most active, and this will make a huge difference in your bass fishing success.

Use the weather and moon to your advantage

One of the most effective tips that will help you consistently land more bass is to employ the weather and the moon to your advantage, the moon and weather have an amazing effect on bass feeding behavior and the more you comprehend the phenomenon the better it is. Mastering this subject is not rocket science. In fact, the necessary information can be learned within half an hour of study. By using the weather and the moon for your advantage, you can always hit the water when the bass is most active, and this will make a huge difference in your bass fishing success.

You will also need a reel

spinning reels are recommended for beginners because they are easier to handle. But, when you get more familiar with bass fishing, you can upgrade to a more flexible baitcaster reel which gives you more power to get the fish out of the water. Also, you need a fishing line. These lines come in various colors. It really depends on what you are comfortable with. A good fishing line disappears in the water so that the fish cannot see it, but it can be seen above the water so that you know where your line is.

Choose the right time

Base on the fact that bass love cool water, you should choose the right time. Fishing early in the morning or in the late afternoon when the weather is cooler will help you land more bass. Also, take the season into consideration. The best time to go bass fishing is during the autumn when the heat of summer meets the cold breeze of the winter.

Choose the right fishing spot

When fishing bass, make sure you choose the right spot. If you want to excel in this sport, it is very important to choose the right spot. Because bass favors cooler water, drop your line in areas covered with trees. The branches that fall from these trees also become home to the crustaceans and small fish which are bass’s favorite feast.

We are in a generation where technology can be of great help to fishermen. Technology has transformed the way a lot of fishermen approach fishing. Most fishermen used services like Fishidy and Google Earth to get the best understanding of their next fishing spot. You can research new technology that can help you catch more bass.

Be persistent when fishing in a certain area or pattern. Sometimes getting a bite is hard and it is better to stick to a particular area you are confident in, instead of running around the water. So grab your tackle and fish every piece of cover where bass could be lurking around. Most of the time, you will be rewarded with some good bites.

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bass fishing

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